Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I have REALLY neglected this.

I really shouldn't. I have friends that I follow here on Blogspot, and I really need to contribute something back. I follow blogs here that have so many fans that I'm not sure they would ever have the time/inclination to read what I have to say- but you never know.

2009 has really NOT been a good year for more than a few people that I know, myself included. I'm not sure how much of my issues I want to share online- heck, I sometimes have issues writing in a journal, which no one sees. I have said to God on more than one occasion that I am fully aware that things can be much worse; I have no idea how much worse or in what ways, and if it's all the same to Him, I would rather not find out. In fact, I'd really like to realize, to live how much better things can/will be.

So I am hoping and praying that 2010 is soooooo much better for myself and other folks for whom 2009 was less than spectacular. In fact I pray that 2010 is better for everyone, even those for whom 2009 was pretty darn good.

I send out to God, to all my fellow man, and to all of God's creatures love, peace, prosperity, good health, success, and service.

P.S. Sun Goddess, I like men too. Oh boy, do I ever...I don't think I could ever put it as well as you did in your last post.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The main reason I have a blog here

Is so that I can always be up to date on other blogs; mainly the public ones, such as Geek Pad and The Laugh Track. I also have a friend who has a blog on here, that she gave me the address for. Also I discovered Dispatches from the Island, written by a past Hot Slut of the Day, Mr Jorge Garcia from LOST.

I should however contribute more to this site. Definitely after April 15th. Maybe even before.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

Finally taking the time

To post. I write the task in my planner all the time but I hardly ever do it. I wonder if I should write down every day what I have actually accomplished during the day instead of writing tasks that I need to complete and giving myself a hard time when I don't complete them?

And yes, this is lazy, but I basically copy what I write from one blog and paste it on the other!

Okay, I need to scoop the catbox, wrap up the 200 loads of laundry that I just did, take a shower, and try to get to bed at a reasonable hour!