Monday, February 15, 2010

Should probably say something

About my rants about Valentine's Day. I probably came across as a bit jaded at best, and incredibly cynical at worst.

For the record: I LOVE MEN. Honestly, truthfully, love men. I don't understand them, but I love them anyway.

Back in my younger years, upon being dumped I would embark on one of those "all men are lying, cheating, filthy scoundrel pigs who should be strung up by their toenails and flogged." That doesn't get a girl anywhere, does it? Now I'm a little kinder and gentler. Instead of "all men" I usually just think that the particular gentleman who has dumped me is a lying, cheating, filthy, scoundrel pig who should be strung up by his toenails and flogged. This hasn't happened to me recently, in case anyone is wondering!

And I DO believe in love and romance and falling in love and all that stuff. I DO. Really. I'm just more these days for showing the object of my affection (and maybe a trusted confidante) that affection than showing everyone within a 50-mile radius.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think there's chocolate on sale somewhere.

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